Photons? What’s That?
As many know, the computer, or phone, or piece of technology that most are using at the moment, evaluates information through binary patterns and codes. Ones and zeros, over and over, representing every single piece of information at your disposal. We call these bits, “A bit (short for “binary digit”) is the smallest unit of measurement used to quantify computer data. It contains a single binary value of 0 or 1,” (Christensson, P. 2013, April 20). Although binary isn’t everything, without a language to program the binary sets, in other words, a programming language, allowing users to calculate mathematical expressions, algorithms, and simulations through a plethora of languages (ex. Python, C++, Java, HTML, Ruby, etc), all used for different purposes such as website creation, server management, business calculation, physics simulations, renderings, and other field applications.
With the introduction of qubits, from the quantum research scientific community, our current limit of 64Bit limit has been doubled.
64Bit referring to an exponential function of bits, 2 to the 64, not entirely 64 bits. Essentially, 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 actual bits of information. Which is a lot, and can process ridiculous loads of information, as we can see from the most advanced modern-day classical computers. This would mean that quantum computers can theoretically double the effective bits of a system, with the use of the novel qubit, “…If large quantum computers can be built, they should vastly outperform ordinary computers at specific tasks,” (Quantum spies. New Scientist, 02624079, 1/11/2014).
By ultra cooling atoms of sodium and potassium, to temperatures near absolute zero, “absolute zero is defined as precisely; 0 K on the Kelvin scale, which is a thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale; and –273.15 degrees Celsius on the Celsius scale.” These atoms reach a specific state called Super Fluidity, where the electrons, neutrons, and protons break apart into elemental pieces, creating a soup of electron flow. By keeping a close eye on the states of these electrons, scientists can calculate their polar spin, a very abstract and elusive state of electrons, positrons, and neutrinos, and extremely difficult to explain. By sending electrical signals to stimulate the system, the computer calculates the resulting spins, either up or down, a one or a zero. Nothing impressive there. What is astonishing is the effect of quantum superposition. A state of superposition defines the state of the electron as an undefined spin, in space, but not time. By using this to their advantage, researchers have created a source of information capable of reacting as both a one and a zero. This quantum state allows calculations to be branched out into larger algorithmic trees, by increasing the threshold of information processed by the system. Allowing a bit to be two separate values at once clearly shows the doubling effect of the capacity of information. As scholar Castelluccio clearly puts it “In a quantum Turing machine, the difference is that the tape exists in a quantum state, as does the read-write head. This means that the symbols on the tape can be either 0 or 1 or a superposition of 0 and 1; in other words, the symbols are both 0 and 1 (and all points in between) at the same time. While a normal Turing machine can only perform one calculation at a time, a quantum Turing machine can perform many calculations at once.” Additionally, with developments in controlled entanglement, bits that are not anywhere near each other will be able to communicate effectively and instantaneously, decreasing the margin of error and minimizing variable results.
![Quantum computing's future is almost semi-here—are we ready for it ...](
Great. This technology is amazing and will make everything better and faster. Yes and No, positives usually come with their negatives, and that is definitely the case with these forms of technologies. Well, if you’re an average consumer, you won’t get anywhere near a quantum computer for at least another 10 years. The current state of the highest levels of such technology are highly classified, or in development at companies such as Google, IBM, and Microsoft, and are beginning to calculate large scale mathematical problems and operations.